Are Pentecostals Christians?
Are they? Because they have large churches, wealth and boisterous gatherings? Palatial cathedrals and well- dressed pastors in spite of the doctrines of devils they teach? When last were large followership and ample wealth used as criteria for determining Christianity?
The main thrust of Pentecostalism is spiritual “experiences” without any correct reference and fidelity to the Bible. Is it no longer true that the multitude may be wrong?[sgmb id=”1″]
Can you have aberrant ideas about the divinity of Jesus Christ, the necessity of His atoning death on the cross, the completeness of the work of redemption on the cross, the necessity for holy living in the here and now, the sovereignty of God in daily lives of individuals and yet be Christian?
Can you hold and accept practices and experiences that override express provisions in the Bible and yet be Christian? Can any pastor’s personal dreams, revelations, inspirations and experiences really override expressly written words of the Bible?
I suggest you download this talk from Jim Brown and listen very carefully to his views. The Bereans set the rules on how uncomfortable religious teachings should be handled: they prayerfully checked them up with the Written Word. Jim Brown presents the truths in the Bible, in very simple terms, to anyone who cares what God thinks about the evil passing itself off as Christianity in most parts of the world today.
We must be very certain that the views we hold on
The Sovereignty of God Over His Creations
The Holy Spirit
Baptism of the Spirit
Special, extra-biblical revelations
Words of knowledge
The Power of Words in Your Mouth
Your Ability To Speak Things Into Existence
etc etc accord with the written Word of God, the Bible.
That is if the Bible is indeed seen as God’s special revelation to you.
If you think you need prayer or help in any way, feel free to get in touch with us.