CHRISTIAN ARRIVES AT THE WICKET-GATE John Bunyan SO after a while Christian arrived at the Wicket-gate. Now over the gate there was written, Knock and it shall be opened unto you. [sgmb id=”1″]Therefore he knocked more than once or twice while saying:
Monthly Archives: September 2016
Because They Received Not The Love Of The Truth
Steer Clear Of Everyone Touting Signs and Wonders 2 Thessalonians 2:2-12 That cannot be said loud enough. I mean EVERYONE. Because of its aptness to the situation the Church of Christ throughout the world is in today, I advise you read as carefully as possible, the quote in today’s piece. Do not run over it. [sgmb […]
Pilgrim’s Progress 2
[sgmb id=”1″]CHRISTIAN ENCOUNTERS WORLDLY-WISEMAN NOW as Christian was walking all alone, he noticed someone else in the distance on his way across the field coming to meet him. And so it happened that they met just when their paths crossed.[sgmb id=”1″] The name of this particular gentleman was Mr.Worldly-Wiseman who resided in the Town of Carnal-Policy, […]
The Majority Is Deceived
Ahab And His Four Hundred-Strong Prophetic Anointing Party Last week we discussed the encounter of Paul and Silas with a demonically possessed maid in Acts 16. Today’s passage on spiritual deception is another place in the Bible where we see the fingers of demons explicitly displayed in the affairs of men. I bring the passage […]
The Teen Study Bible: The Devil Likes Them Served To Him Young
That Junior’s Bible: … Is it Really God’s Word? If you have young people you feel you are responsible to God for, you may want to read the following material on Zondervan Teen Study Bible.[sgmb id=”1″]