You Can Not Only Be Saved, But Be Sure You Are Safe. NOW! The main question in the mind of most people who make efforts to get close to God is, “Am I sure I am saved?” We are grateful to God for using the late Reverend Harry Allen Ironside in guiding us, through the […]
Monthly Archives: August 2021
David Oyedepo Would Slap His “Jesus”
White Magic As Christianity <figure>Strange Faith Sourced From Hinduism</figure> I am starting this short post by quoting from one of the works of the late Christian evangelist of the last century, Dr Kurt E Koch, in Between Christ And Satan: “In the true prayer of faith, the person concerned submit completely to the will of […]
Charismatic Witchcraft
I Decree Like Paul! I command Like Matthew!! The following are extracts from one of the books of a former word of faith, Pentecostal person, Pam Sheppard. The book is titled Charismatic Witchcraft. May the Lord use the contents of these extracts to save readers from the dangers of idolatry and damnation. [sgmb id=”4″] Ignorance […]
Fake Faith: A Brief Look At The Faith That Damns
<figure> Fake Faith</figure> The average man goes about his life little concerned about what happens after death. To the few that give attention to this issue, the main problem is that of deception: self deception and a fake faith. Most men pass themselves off as Christian because they attend church, even if it is a […]
Messages From The Dead
‘Pastor’ Enoch Adeboye, The RCCG And The Azusa Street Deception It is always a sad thing knowing someone is wrong in the most fundamental issues of life: Who God the Father is, Who Jesus Christ is, Who the Holy Spirit is, who the Devil is and who he, himself, is. It makes you sadder knowing […]